Terms of service
Solidaridad Sin Fronteras, Inc. is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, founded in August 2004, whose mission is to guide and support health professionals who have graduated in other countries and legally reside in this country, to join to the United States Health System.
In accordance with its mission, the SSF offers services to its associates such as Registration, Training and Exams.
All these services are institutional and accepted by the majority of educational institutions in the health area of the American Union, however some institutions may reserve the right to accept them in situations of job offers or enrollment in an educational program.
For this reason, the SSF establishes a policy of exclusive responsibility of the associate (student) to investigate and find out if the service they are acquiring from the SSF is accepted by the institution to which they apply, whether it is a job position or some program. educational. .
This is why no payment or contribution made to our organization is refundable.
We are not a vocational school, college or university. Our programs are designed solely for the personal enrichment of our associates and without the purpose of providing jobs, SSF has associations with various educational centers which certify their programs, the programs as reviews offer certificates of completion of the program, without However, it is required to pass a certification exam to be able to work as such, this is the case of the NCLEX Review and CNA Review.
Payment and return policies.
Solidaridad Sin Fronteras, as a non-profit organization, will not make refunds for services provided or reserved in advance for training, registration or licenses issued by the organization or any other agent related to the SSF.
Our membership allows members to acquire our programs as sponsors, for which the applicant pays only 15% to 20% of the normal cost that would be in a private institution. In addition, they will receive benefits such as resume development, access to our job fairs, advice for applications to the nursing board, and programs that our organization develops for the benefit of the medical community resident in the United States.
Solidaridad Sin Fronteras, as a non-profit organization, will not make refunds for services provided or reserved in advance for the realization of training, registrations or licenses issued by the organization or any other agent related to the SSF.
Our organization will make refunds in isolated and unique cases that must fall within this special category in which the associate "did not receive the service offered" due to circumstances such as:
"Definitive cancellation of the training program and the associate did not receive the service he contracted."
For any other situation that is not within the aforementioned category, the member must follow the rules indicated in the document signed at the time of joining (Institutional Policies of the SSF) where they declare that they have fully read and understood our institutional policy and accept the responsibility to investigate and find out if the service you are obtaining at the SSF is accepted by the institution you are requesting, whether for employment or educational purposes.
In addition to this, you agree that any payment made to our institution is non-refundable.
This form must be filled out solely and exclusively by those affiliates who comply with the exception clause in which they are creditors for the return of their money, accepting the refund policy of solidarity without borders, its terms and conditions.
Terms and conditions of the refund policy.
Solidaridad Sin Fronteras, as a non-profit organization, restricts the return of money to unique cases such as:
"The training program was permanently canceled and the affiliate did not receive the service for which he had registered."
For any other situation that is not within the aforementioned category, the affiliate must follow the rules indicated in the document signed at the time of enrollment (Institutional Policies of the SSF) in which the affiliate declares to have read and fully understood our institutional policy and accepts the responsibility to investigate and find out if the service you are obtaining at the SSF is accepted by the institution you are requesting, whether for employment or educational purposes.
Any partner found in this special and unique case will be creditor of the return of their money, which will be returned within 120 days or more for processing and presentation to the board of directors. This period of time will be taken into account from the day the refund policy form is signed and processed, in which the affiliate accepts the terms and conditions of Solidaridad Sin Fronteras' refund policies.
At the moment the money return process begins, the affiliate establishes a written contract where both parties (the affiliate and Solidaridad Sin Fronteras) make an agreement for the return of the money and renounce to go to other ways of return always and when Solidarity Without Borders does what it promised.